مجفف الشعر ماركه اي كو

AED 923.00

Compact Hair Dryer + Gentle massage diffuser + Heat resistant concentrator

بودرة تفتيح 10 درجات

AED 131.00

Bleach Powder 10 shades is a platinum blond with a new formula that lightens hair up to

10 shades. It provides advanced neutralization by conataining italian pigment Violet 43 with

microcapsules that helps prevent unwanted orange and yellow tones during the bleaching


لون دائم 10.12 طبيعي رمادي فاتح جدا جدا

AED 18.00

Demi-Permanent Color adds natural hair pigment, lightens and color the hairs.

لون دائم 8.12 طبيعي رمادي فاتح على بنفسجي

AED 18.00

Demi-Permanent Color adds natural hair pigment, lightens and color the hairs.

لون دائم 8.31 طبيعي ذهبي فاتح

AED 18.00

Demi-Permanent Color adds natural hair pigment, lightens and color the hairs.

لون دائم 7.7 طبيعي كستنائي مشقر

AED 18.00

Demi-Permanent Color adds natural hair pigment, lightens and color the hairs.

لون دائم طبيعي 6 اشقر غامق

AED 18.00

Demi-Permanent Color adds natural hair pigment, lightens and color the hairs.

لون دائم طبيعي 4 بني متوسط

AED 18.00

Demi-Permanent Color adds natural hair pigment, lightens and color the hairs.

لون دائم 0.22 طبيعي مختلط

AED 18.00

Permanent Color adds natural hair pigment, lightens and color the hairs.

لون دائم طبيعي مختلط

AED 18.00

Permanent Color adds natural hair pigment, lightens and color the hairs.

لون دائم 8.21 طبيعي بنفسجي

AED 18.00

Permanent Color adds natural hair pigment, lightens and color the hairs.